Llandaff Mothers’ Union Summer Retreat 2018

Our annual Summer Retreat will be held at the Llangasty Retreat House from Monday 2nd July to Wednesday, 4th July 2018. The Retreat begins with tea and introductions at 3.00pm on the Monday and will conclude after lunch on the Wednesday.
Our leader will be Father Edward Dowland-Owen.
The Summer Retreat is a silent Retreat, although conversation is allowed during our evening meal. A silent retreat enables us to take time out of our busy lives to reflect on the words of scripture and to achieve an inner peace and, of course, to be with Our Lord. Join with us in the peace and tranquillity of Llangasty!
The cost this year will be £155 and can be paid in two payments of £80 and £75.
If anyone would like more information, please contact Louise Barham, email: louisebarham01@outlook.com or phone 07791891578 and leave a message.
We would love to see as many members as possible attend this wonderful retreat.