Palm Sunday Devotion

Palm Sunday Evening – Josie Smith (Wild Goose Publications)

This time

there will be no flight into Egypt.

This donkey has too much to carry,

too far.

The shadows wait for me:

around the table at Passover,

among those in high places,

in the condemned cell,

on the hill outside.

Fear haunts my waking moments

and I cannot sleep.

Why has God forsaken me?

The crowd today is with me,

but not for long.

They are the powerless ones

(the ones who matter).

The ones who count

are counting.

Time is running out.

This time

there will be no flight into Egypt.


Today is the day of crowds. Crowds who gather to cheer as the long-awaited King enters Jerusalem. As the people cheer, they cut branches from the trees and throw them or their cloaks on the road to welcome Jesus into their Holy City. Making the dusty path suitable for this VIP who comes in the name of the Lord. We have all experienced in the past, the atmosphere of such a gathering, how the crowd can begin to act as one, as each individual gets caught up in the excitement of all that is going on.

But this morning there are no crowds. No re-enactment of this moment, as we process around our towns or churches waving our palm crosses. No gathering of people to bolster our enthusiasm as we sing ‘Hosanna to the Son of David.’ We can still celebrate Palm Sunday, however, despite being confined to our homes. The crowds are not the important reason to celebrate today. After all the crowds turned out to be rather fickle, turning against their King only a few days later. We celebrate today because Jesus entered the Holy City for the last time to undergo the trial of his Passion. A Passion he was willing to undergo for YOU. Jesus saw his Passion through to the end. Beginning with the cheering crowds and ending with the mocking mob. We can see this crisis through to the end by trusting in the One who comes in the Name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest heaven!


Loving Lord, we walk with you today on the day of your triumphant entry into Jerusalem. Help us to keep pace with you this week as you travel towards your Passion. Give us the strength to follow where you lead and the faith to trust that in the end – All will be well. Amen

With all my love and prayers

Revd. Sandra