MU Devotion Wednesday 29 April 2020

Mothers’ Union Devotion

“Nothing great is ever achieved without much enduring.”

Words from Catherine of Siena who the church remembers today. Catherine may have written these words in the 14th Century, but they still ring true particularly when we are in a period of enduring.  Catherine was instrumental in negotiating peace in the divided church and papal states in her day. Something even more remarkable given that she was a woman in a man’s world. Catherine drew her strength from her mystical relationship with God. This strength helped her carry out her work despite the risk of disease from her caring for the sick and the risk of physical harm during her political travels negotiating for peace.


Many of Catherine’s writing still exist such as her letters to various important people including the Pope, and the prayers she wrote in the last 18 months of her life. Her major work, The Dialogue of Divine Providence, records the conversation between God and the soul when the soul rises up to God. It reminds us in Catherine’s words that – “The soul is in God and God is in the soul.  God is closer to us than water is to a fish.” Comforting words when we are enduring isolation from other human beings. Reminding us that we are never alone.

Never alone, as we endure in order to bring about something great. Because we are all doing something great. We are helping friend and stranger, family and neighbour, those near and those far, survive the Covid-19 outbreak. We are ensuring that the NHS is not overwhelmed with patients. We are protecting essential workers. It might feel like enduring rather than living some days but each day we stay at home we contribute to saving lives. That is what true greatness is, giving up something we enjoy in order to preserve the lives of our sisters and brothers in Christ.


Loving Lord, thank you that you are always with us as we endure the difficult times now. We pray for patience to endure, peace to find you and protection for ourselves and others. May we emerge into a new world built upon the greatness of mutual love and care for all.

Sent with my love and prayers to you all.

Revd. Sandra