Mothers’ Union Devotion Sunday 16th May- the Seventh Sunday of Easter

This Sunday finds us in in-between times, we are in-between Ascension Day and Pentecost, in-between Jesus taking his leave and the Holy Spirit’s arrival. In this in-between time the disciples could have just sat around in confusion, full of lethargy, disillusioned with the world. Instead, they began to prepare themselves for the future. Peter addressed the 120 believers who had gathered together waiting for the fulfilment of the promise of Jesus. He began the process of healing from past hurts by calling for the appointment of a suitable person to replace Judas Iscariot as one of the Twelve.

As well as restoration of past events Peter was planning for the future. A future that had not yet come but a future that would come and there is no better time than an in-between time to begin such planning and preparation. So, the two people were proposed for the role of witness to the resurrection – Justus and Matthias. But the disciples did not rush into choosing. They used this in-between time to pray. To pray for the Lord’s guidance. ‘Show us which one of these two you have chosen to take the place in this ministry and apostleship from which Judas turned aside’ (Acts 1. 24).

We too are living in an in-between time. In-between the restrictions of strict lockdown and a time free from restrictions. When we meet with family it might seem as if the horror of the past year is over. Then we go out to the shops or church and must wear our masks, follow one-way systems and sit in a different pew. We realise we have rushed too far ahead in our minds and have to realign our expectations in order to avoid lethargy through disillusionment.

Like the disciples we can use this time of waiting for something approaching normality to return by praying for the future of our mission. Use this time to ask our loving Lord if we are called to help re-establish our Mothers’ Union work in the diocese. Praying for inspiration and new ideas for branch meetings and our community projects. Maybe as we prepare for the next Triennium, praying about whether you are called to stand for election to a position in our Branches, Deaneries, Units or Board of Trustees. Getting ready for the future time when we can all enjoy each other’s company in person.

With all my love and prayers

Revd Sandra