Mothers’ Union Devotion Wednesday 28th October – Feast Day of Simon and Jude, Apostles

I am giving you these commands so that you may love one another. John 15. 17

Jesus commanded his disciples to love one another as I have loved you during his final words to them at the Last Supper. This passage of teaching comes in response to a question by Judas (not Iscariot) – “Lord, how is it that you will reveal yourself to us and not to the world?” Today the church remembers Judas or Jude and Simon, apostles – two of the twelve. Two who are not given prominence in the gospel accounts but nevertheless were faithful followers of Jesus in his ministry to bring the love of God into people’s lives.

We are all being called to bring the love of God into people’s lives at the moment. All be it in a rather detached way because we are being asked to stay at home for the protection of others. To act with selfless love for those in our local and neighbouring communities. However, it is not easy. Stories in the press abound which are designed to make us cross. We are constantly being directed to be outraged about not only the dictatorial behaviour of those in authority, but also the behaviour of those individuals and groups who are not following the rules.

It is very difficult to hold onto our love for all, when what we want most is to be with those we love the most. The people with whom love is experienced most tangibly. The people we so want to share a cwtch with. At times it feels like we are being denied that personal love because of the behaviour of people we do not know individually. People that we are nevertheless called to love. How do we make sense of our conflicting emotions?

I wonder if an answer might be found in Jesus’ reply to the question of Jude. Jesus reveals himself to us through the love we show to others, regardless of their behaviour to us. When we fail to show that love because we have been enticed by others to anger or judgement maybe our hearts become closed to the presence of Jesus in our midst. Maybe our prayer at this time should be to ask Jesus to strengthen our love for all, so that we do not succumb to the niggling seeds of resentment that are being sown daily by our press and social media. To ask for the strength to love one another as Jesus has loved us.

Sent with all my love and prayers,

Revd Sandra