Mothers’ Union Devotion Sunday 7th February 2021 Creation Sunday

Almighty God you have created the heavens and the earth and made us in your own image: teach us to discern your hand in all your works and your likeness in all your children. Collect for the Second Sunday before Lent.

We are created in the image of God but that probably does not mean that God has two hands and two feet, walks upright, has a big intellectual brain and opposable thumbs. Instead, the image of God is the image of relationship, of friendship and love. The love and friendship the Trinity has for each other and the love and friendship the Trinity has for us all.

This is the true beauty of creation not what we can see with our eyes but what we feel in our hearts. The beauty of our hearts as we say to each other – I love you. That love is not reserved for those who look or act in a particular way. That love is for all. When a child is born, he or she is loved. Children are loved by God who created them and loved by their parents who brought them into this world.

Jean Vanier was the founder of the international L’Arche communities where people with and without intellectual disabilities live and work together as peers. He said that we are born into relationship. ‘When we are born our mother says, “I love you as you are, you are my beloved son or daughter.” And we tend to spend the rest of our lives seeking that unconditional love again. Because our hearts are fragile and become wounded throughout our lives from lack of love.’

What God says to us when making us in his own image is that each person is beautiful, each person is important, each person is wonderful. So as people of God we need also to discover the inner beauty of each person. We should not become hard-hearted because of their exterior appearance or actions. When people are hurting, they often act out of fear.

When people are broken, they find it difficult to make wise decisions.  When people are born different, they cannot always conform to the expected rules of society. Our imperative as people, made in the image of God, is to discern God’s hand in all his works. To embrace all of humanity who just like us are created in the image of God.

Loving Lord help us to embrace all your children without prejudice or judgement. May we bring love to those who feel unloved, compassion to those who feel broken and hospitality to those who feel rejected. Amen

With all my love and prayers

Revd Sandra