Mothers’ Union Devotion Sunday 30th May 2021 – Trinity Sunday

Almighty and eternal God,

you have revealed yourself as Father, Son and Holy Spirit,

and live and reign in the perfect unity of love:

hold us firm in this faith,

that we may know you in all your ways

and evermore rejoice in your eternal glory,

who are three Persons yet one God,

now and forever. Amen


Post Communion Prayer for Trinity Sunday

The name we choose to use when introducing ourselves can say a lot about how we wish to interact in a particular situation. If we only use our title and surname, we are suggesting.

we wish to keep our interactions on a formal basis. If we use the name our closest friends use, we are suggesting a much more friendly encounter. What we reveal about ourselves says something about who we are and what sort of relationships we desire.

So, if we look at how God has chosen to reveal himself to humanity throughout history, we can get a glimpse of who God is and what sort of relationship God desires with us. God has revealed himself in three different ways. God the Father, the Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, the one who loved us even before the world began. God the Son who is prepared to be humbled, humiliated, horrifically hurt in order to open to humanity the way of eternal life. In Jesus, the Son we see a God who cares, shares and repairs human life. And God the Holy Spirit, who is ever present within each of us. The one who bears witness in and to our lives as God’s children, sustaining our faith through good times and bad times.

It is through the self-revelation of God that we know God is one in three and three in one -the Trinity. God’s name is not simply God but God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. A trinity of love and power who longs to share that perfect relationship of love with each of us. Like so many good and loving relationships we may not be able to work out exactly how it works but work it does. We should be joyful that we are invited to participate in such a life-giving, lifesaving, life-sustaining relationship.

May all our relationships grow to reflect the perfect unity of love that we encounter in God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

All my love and prayers

Revd Sandra